Sophie’s Constellation Starfinder Birth Announcements

Today I’m thrilled to share a very, very special project – Sophie’s baby announcements! I knew I wanted something unique and non-traditional to help announce our baby’s arrival into the world, and I’ve been an admirer of Morgan and Arley-Rose of Ladyfingers Letterpress ever since I saw their wedding invitations. I knew they’d come up with something amazing! I gave the direction of a celestial theme and the ladies came up with the idea of a working starfinder (aka planisphere) – we couldn’t love the resulting announcements more!

Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (31)

From Morgan and Arley-Rose: It was such an incredible honor to design and print little Sophie’s baby announcements. We were thrilled to hear that Nole had a celestial theme in mind, and we immediately went to work, exploring how we could make something interactive, beautiful and meaningful. We’ve always been fascinated by planispheres and the way they mark a point in time by displaying what you would see in the night sky at that moment and thought it would be relevant as a baby announcement.

Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (9)

At first, we thought it would be a good idea to rotate the planisphere to the date and time that Sophie was born, and in the window her name would be revealed, but after some design consideration (and feedback from Nole) it was agreed that her name and details would be visible at all times.

Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (13)

As a result, a working planisphere is featured on the front, and all you need to do is align the inner disc with the date and time and direction you’re facing to see what to expect in the sky that night (if you happen to be at a similar latitude as Washington DC). On the back, a photo of Sophie sits inside a glassine envelope, surrounded by baby versions of astrological signs.

Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (28) Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (12)

Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (11)

We designed a custom die for the project, and hand-lettered the designs and illustrations to work around the shape. The designs were then letterpress printed onto 220lb paper (the inner disc) and 110lb (the outer “cage”) 100% cotton Crane’s Lettra paper and then die-cut and assembled.

Birth Announcement Die Cut by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo Credit: Natalja Kent

Birth Announcement Die Cut by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo Credit: Natalja Kent

Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (15)

Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

It was definitely one of the most complex pieces we’ve ever done, but are really excited with the way it turned out! As a special gift to Nole, we made a print of the night sky with Sophie’s name below.

Constellation Letterpress Print by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo Credit: Natalja Kent

Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (27) Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (22)

Morgan and Arley-Rose even printed constellation envelope liners to match the announcements! I found the perfect vintage postage stamps (via ebay) to complement the celestial theme of Sophie’s announcements, and my dear friend Michele from Meant to Be Calligraphy was kind enough to address the envelopes in her beautiful Durham style!

Constellation Starfinder Letterpress Birth Announcements by Ladyfingers Letterpress for Oh So Beautiful Paper (24)

I hope you love Sophie’s announcements as much as I do!

Design and Letterpress Printing: Ladyfingers Letterpress

Calligraphy: Meant to Be Calligraphy

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper, except where noted by Natalja Kent

Graham’s Modern Letterpress Baby Announcements

Brooke from Curious & Co. and her husband Nick welcomed a baby boy, Graham, back in September (just a day after Sophie was born!). I’m absolutely in love with the modern announcements that she designed to welcome Graham into the world. Every detail is just perfect, from the vibrant red and aqua color palette to the fun elements inspired by vintage packaging. Too cute!

Modern Letterpress Baby Announcements by Curious & Co. via Oh So Beautiful Paper (8)

From Brooke: When I’m asked how to spell baby Graham’s name, I always explain, “Graham — like graham cracker.” When it came time to design Graham’s birth announcement, I took inspiration from colorful vintage cookie and cracker packaging in order to put a fun twist on his name. What resulted was this red and aqua letterpress piece (with overprinting to create a third color), which serves as a cheery and playful welcome to the newest member of the Curious & Co. extended family.

Modern Letterpress Baby Announcements by Curious & Co. via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

Modern Letterpress Baby Announcements by Curious & Co. via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

Modern Letterpress Baby Announcements by Curious & Co. via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

Modern Letterpress Baby Announcements by Curious & Co. via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

Thanks Brooke!

Curious & Co. is a member of the Designer Rolodex – check out more of their awesome work right here!

Photo Credits: Curious & Co.

{happy weekend!}

I haven’t shared any photos of Sophie recently, so I thought I’d end the week with a little update on my sweet little girl. She’s 2.5 months now (11 weeks to be exact), smiling up a storm, and interested in everything and everyone. She had a blast meeting new friends and family members over Thanksgiving weekend! I also hinted on twitter earlier this week that we’ve encountered some sleeping issues, so I’m one tired mama these days! Sophie is at the stage where she really wants to be awake for longer stretches but just can’t quite handle it, so we’re trying to find the right balance between awake time and nap time during the day so that we both minimize her meltdowns and can hopefully get her to sleep for longer stretches at night. I think I might do cartwheels the first night we get 6 or more hours out of her! Seriously. Anyway, this weekend we’re hoping to check out Holiday Heap in Baltimore and maybe even visit the National Aquarium (I’ve never been!). But in the meantime…


Photos by me via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

Casey’s Silhouette Letterpress Baby Announcements

Designer Kristen Ekeland sent over these sophisticated birth announcements that she created for her best friend (and proud mama of a new baby girl). This sweet baby girl was named in memory of her grandfather, who sadly passed away just a month before she was born. Kristen faced the tough challenge of designing a birth announcement that was fitting for a baby and as a memoriam of her namesake. The resulting design is extremely touching and incredibly beautiful.

Silhouette Letterpress Baby Announcements by Kristen Ekeland via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

From Kristen: My best friend lost her father, John Casey, to cancer a month before she was due with her first baby girl. My friend and her father were extremely close. He was the most warm hearted, generous man I know and was very much like a second father to me. At his funeral, my friend announced that they would name their baby girl Casey after her grandfather. I was beyond touched to design Casey’s birth announcement. As her father held such an important place in my heart and memories, I was more than honored to create something special for them.


I wanted the design to be beautiful, sweet, and classic. I also wanted to make sure that everyone knew that Casey has been named after her grandfather and that his memory and love of life would carry on through this little girl. I thought the garland of spring flowers was the perfect symbol of the circle of life and chose a palette of canary yellow and warm gray that felt appropriate for a baby, but was sophisticated enough to serve as a memorial for such a wonderful man.

Silhouette Letterpress Baby Announcements by Kristen Ekeland via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

Thanks Kristen!

Design: Kristen Ekeland

Letterpress Printing: Letterpress Chicago

Photo Credits: Maggie Marlin

{happy weekend!}

What. A. Week. While we weathered the storm pretty well here in DC, my thoughts have been with those in New York and New Jersey affected by Hurricane Sandy.  The images and stories of the destruction are completely overwhelming and I know the road to recovery, much less the restoration of power, will be a long one.  When I haven’t been completely glued to the news, somewhere between last weekend and today, my little Sophie suddenly stopped looking like a newborn and started looking like a real baby.  She’s getting bigger each and every day, even though she’s still smaller at 7 weeks than some newborns, she’s paying closer attention to objects, and she’s smiling at us!  The smiles just make my heart melt.  This weekend we’re planning to visit our favorite flea market and relax at home, but in the meantime…

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday – when I’ll start sharing some of my favorite holiday cards! xoxo