Cobalt Calligraphy Wedding Invitations

Sometimes all you need is just one really spectacular color combined with gorgeous calligraphy and hand lettering! For these beautiful wedding invitations, Kim from Bright Room Studio combined elegant calligraphy and casual hand lettering with the most amazing cobalt blue ink! And those cobalt blue envelopes?? Total perfection!

Cobalt Calligraphy Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

From Kim: Olivia and Brian’s wedding invitation suite was all about simple elegance. But for me, that doesn’t mean boring or traditional. We combined sophisticated calligraphy with casual hand lettering to make the invitation feel special, but not overly formal.

Cobalt Calligraphy Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

The olive branch details throughout added a rustic touch, especially when added in unexpected places like the calligraphy on the RSVP card. I then had my amazing printer, Mercurio Brothers, letterpress print the whole suite in a spectacular cobalt blue color, which really brought the lettering to life! The matching cobalt blue envelope made the whole suite really pop. I love how playful the design feels, while also being very elegant.

Cobalt Calligraphy Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Cobalt Calligraphy Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Cobalt Calligraphy Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Cobalt Calligraphy Wedding Invitations by Bright Room Studio / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Thanks Kim!

Design: Bright Room Studio

Invitation Letterpress Printing: Mercurio Brothers

Bright Room Studio is a member of the Designer Rolodex  – you can see more of Kim’s beautiful work right here or visit the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Bright Room Studio

A Rum Stone Fence

One of my all-time favorite apple cocktails is the Stone Fence, a classic that we featured over three (!!) years ago. It’s a pretty straightforward mix of rye and apple cider that very probably played an important role in (drunk) American history, giving Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys the liquid courage to storm Fort Ticonderoga in 1775. Did I mention I was a history major in college? Anyway. It’s a solid drink but it lacks a certain flourish, so here’s a slightly updated version. – Andrew

Rum Stone Fence Cocktail Recipe with Apple Cider / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Rum Stone Fence

1 oz Dark Rum
1/2 oz Jamaican Rum
1 oz Apple Cider
1/2 oz Lemon Juice
1/2 Cinnamon Bark Syrup
2 dashes Angostura Bitters

Combine all your ingredients in a shaker filled two-thirds with ice. Shake well and strain into a chilled coupe or cocktail glass. Garnish with an apple fan and enjoy!

Rum Stone Fence Cocktail Recipe with Apple Cider / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

The substitution of rum for whiskey – which is totally in keeping with this drink’s history, since New England was once a great center of rum distilling – and introduction of the cinnamon syrup and bitters turns this drink into something like a hybrid of the original’s rustic feel and a modern Tiki drink. A fun, apple-rich Sour cocktail.

Rum Stone Fence Cocktail Recipe with Apple Cider / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

The apple fan is a beautiful and easy-to-make garnish for a lot of drinks. Thinly cut three or four slices of apple, then pierce them on a diagonal with a toothpick or cocktail pick. Balance the cocktail pick on the rim of the glass; it helps to pierce the apple slices about halfway up to help balance the garnish.

Rum Stone Fence Cocktail Recipe with Apple Cider / Liquorary for Oh So Beautiful Paper

(Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, where we’ve been posting our experiments before they make their way onto this column! Instagram has become probably the best resource out there for anyone interested in learning more about cocktails; we found the recipe that inspired this post on the feed of @fredericyarm, a bartender in Boston.)

Glassware by Liquorary

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper


Happy Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! Did anyone else have kind of a rough week, or was it just me? Short weeks can be tough, especially after I spent the long weekend (mostly) unplugged from my phone and email. I spent most of this week trying to catch up on a bunch of loose ends and feeling like I wasn’t really succeeding. But thankfully there’s another weekend just a few hours away and next week will be a new week! But in the meantime…

People I've Loved - You Are Not An Impostor / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photo by People I’ve Loved via Instagram (you can also check out their Kickstarter here)

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week! Check back later for this week’s cocktail recipe – I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo