Margie + Morgen’s Art Deco-Inspired Letterpress Wedding Invitations

Kathryn from Blackbird Letterpress created these gorgeous Art Deco-inspired invitations for her cousin’s wedding this summer, and I’ve been waiting (very patiently) to feature them ever since Kathryn sent over the corresponding save the dates back in May.  Inspired by the wedding venue, the Queen Mary, these invitations feature stunning calligraphy from Betsy Dunlap, Kathryn’s beautiful illustrations and patterns, and fun die cut elements – all in a sea green and coral invitation suite.

From Kathryn: Margie and Morgen are both amazingly talented.  Morgen has an interdisciplinary firm specializing in architecture and technology, while Margie is an architect and the co-creator of Larks & Japes.  Since the wedding was to be on the Queen Mary, we developed the style referencing the era of the 1930s, inspired by Art Deco architecture and jazz.  Margie loved the wave pattern from the save the dates, so I drew it again here to become a sea green ocean.  A small image of the ship in silhouette continue throughout the suite and other pieces.

We commissioned Betsy Dunlap to letter the names and other calligraphy elements.  The typeface used for the main text is Verlag, which is very close to what was used on the Queen Mary’s original menu.

The die cut idea came up when we both wanted an small element of surprise.  Instead of using an enclosure folder or inner envelope, we agreed on a folded card with cut outs showing just a peek of the ship and invitation text.  Cruise ships of the time period are known for their telegraphic communication, but since this was to be mailed, Morgen suggested using “Postalgram.”  It gives reference to the old form of communication but with our own twist.

The rehearsal dinner was held at an old theater in Long Beach, California.  An old movie was shown along with a casual dinner.  Since the wedding was a destination wedding, the dinner invitation needed to be included with the invitation mailing.  Printed in coral, the stylized waves were brought back along with a bit of Betsy’s calligraphy.  Margie found these fantastic “crown” tickets that we incorporated into the design.  Thank you cards were designed by Betsy with her signature ribbon illustration.

I couldn’t get enough of the ship images and wave pattern, so for wedding favors, I formatted the illustrations to fit on round 4″ coasters, with two different designs.  The coasters were wrapped in sets of 6 (3 of each design) with orange and white baker’s twine and placed at each place setting at the reception.  My mom and aunt threw a bridal luncheon the day before the wedding and commissioned me to print a favor for that, so the ship and waves were again printed, here on Moleskines with squared/grid pages in honor of Margie and Morgen’s architecture background.

The escort card tags were letterpress printed and numbered on kraft paper tags with waves printed in coral at the bottom, a reinforced kraft circle around the hole, and tied with orange and white baker’s twine.  Morgen graciously volunteered to type everyone’s name and hometown with his vintage Underwood typewriter.

Thank you so much Kathryn!

Design and Printing: Blackbird Letterpress

Calligraphy: Betsy Dunlap

Blackbird Letterpress is a mem­ber of the Designer Rolodex – you can see more of their beau­ti­ful work right here or visit the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Ben Christensen Photography

Lindsay + Ben’s Modern Venn Diagram Wedding Invitations

The concept behind this wedding invitation suite – a venn diagram – is just so completely perfect I can barely stand it.  Lindsay and Ben have been a couple for more than a decade, so when it came time to create their wedding invitations they couldn’t imagine a symbol that would better represent their relationship and upcoming nuptials.  From the bright color palette to the beautiful blind impression and overprinted letterpress elements, I’m loving every single detail from Lindsay and Ben’s invitations.


From Lindsay:  In February of this year, my fiancé Ben and I enlisted our close friend and Ben’s directing partner Nick Carbonaro to help us create an invitation suite that would capture our modern, upbeat aesthetic. The venn diagram became a way to mark our longtime union (we’ve been together for over ten years) and to celebrate the wonderful overlap that is our life together.  Another friend noted that our invitation color scheme mimics the ziplock seal: fittingly, as we like to keep things fresh (both relationship-wise and design-wise) and we love snacks.



As our save-the-date postcard and invitation used the same venn diagram design, we wanted to do something a little different for our reply card.  Using a tiny, hand-carved stamp from etsy seller little t jane, we created a California-themed (and happily rhyming) postcard.

Modern-Blue-Yellow-Venn-Diagram-Letterpress-Wedding-Invitations-RSVP Modern-Blue-Yellow-Venn-Diagram-Letterpress-Wedding-Invitations

 We also carried the venn diagram into our wedding favors, wrapping small California state notebooks from Field Notes in butcher paper and stamping them with our initials.  And most recently, we used two enormous stamps and primary color inks to make our thank you cards.


Our good friend Laurie Smithwick of LEAP Design provided wonderful advice and guidance, and Studio on Fire printed the whole suite in gorgeous letterpress.


Just stunning Lindsay!  And totally pitch perfect from start to finish.  Congratulations!

Photo Credits: Lindsay + Ben

{happy weekend!}

The first week back from vacation is always a bit rough, so I’m definitely welcoming this weekend with open arms.  I’m hoping to finally process the photos from my trip to Italy to share with you next week, before I go running off to New York for the National Stationery Show.  I can’t believe this year’s Stationery Show is just over a week away – my favorite week of the whole year!  But in the meantime…


…a few links for your weekend:

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

That’s it for me this week!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo

Photo Credit: Pink Ranunculus

Red + Aqua Carnival Birthday Party Invitations for Grace!

As much as I love wedding invitations, there’s just nothing like the youthful exuberance of a kids party invitation.  Jennifer from The Paper Peony sent over these adorable carnival-inspired letterpress invitations that she designed and printed for her daughter Grace’s second birthday, along with some images of the party itself!


From Jennifer:  We planned a vintage red and aqua carnival theme for a small gathering in our home.  The invitations set the tone with fun fonts, stripes, and a red balloon in each envelope.  I designed the thank you notes with sweet little flags to compliment the party décor.


red-white-blue-birthday-party-invitation red-white-blue-circus-birthday-party-red-straws

We decorated with lots of balloons and wonderful hand-made fabric banners that were hung all over the house (thanks to my mother-in-law).  We served lots of popcorn, gourmet hotdogs and salads as well as “popcorn” cupcakes that I made for the kids. They were a huge hit!


We had toss games for activities and my husband Shaun even learned how to make balloon animals and flowers the night before.  He got really good at it too!  The kids favors were so fun to put together!  We included rubber ducks, animal crackers, clown noses, pin wheels, candy dots and whoopee cushions!  I also made little paper flags with each child’s name.




Such a fun party, and it looks like Grace had a total blast!  Thank you so much Jennifer!

{image credits: jennifer larkin | the paper peony}

Sneak Peek – Martha Stewart Weddings Spring 2011 Issue

Spring is almost here – which means that a new issue of Martha Stewart Weddings is just around the corner!  The Spring 2011 issue is all about wedding details, and the editors have put together an 8-page story all about beautiful calligraphy.  I’m thrilled to help share a little sneak peek!


The feature includes more than a dozen calligraphers (and even more calligraphy styles!) with ideas for incorporating the written word throughout your wedding – from traditional day-of wedding stationery to edible calligraphy on favors and food!

Martha-Stewart-Weddings-Spring-2011-Calligraphy-Story Martha-Stewart-Weddings-Spring-2011-Edible-Calligraphy

I already spy some of my favorite calligraphers in the images above, and you can check out the full story in the new issue on newsstands in just a few days!

Photo Credits: Cover by Con Poulos, Calligraphy Photography by Marcus Nilsson | Martha Stewart Weddings, Spring 2011