
A year already. It feels like we brought her home just yesterday. Happy birthday my sweet, funny, adorable baby girl. I love you bigger than the sky.

Sophie-Birthday Sophie-Beatrice

Sophie-Mid-Yawn Sophie-Smiles

Sophie-Amtrak-Train-Ride Sophie-Union-Station

Sophie-Snugglebug Sophie-Papa

Sophie-Beautiful-Baby Sophie-Cuteness

Sophie-Tattly-Paper-Party Sophie-Bronx-Zoo

Sophie-Fireworks-July4th Sophie-Plane-Watching-Gravelly-Point

Sophie-Playing Sophie-Standing

Sophie-Eleven-Months Sophie-Nana

Sophie-Brunch-Grandpa Baby-Pillow-Fort

We’re having a party, of course, if for no other reason to celebrate the fact that we made it through the year. Yay! I’ll be sure to share the invitations and party details soon!

All photos by me via Instagram

  1. Sophie is just soooo cute! Happy Birthday baby girl! CAN NOT WAIT to see your party!!!! 🙂 Have a great time this weekend!

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