Summer Giveaway with Moontree Letterpress

It’s Mon­day, which means that it’s time for another install­ment of our sum­mer con­test series with Moon­tree Let­ter­press!  In case you missed it the first time, here’s a bit of back­ground on the con­test and how to enter.  This week’s theme is “Pulling a Rabbit Out of a Hat” – and the win­ner with the best six word story will receive 50 per­son­al­ized let­ter­press notecards!  Feel free to leave multiple entries, and don’t be afraid to get creative!


You’ll have until 11:59 p.m. EST on Tues­day to leave your entry in the com­ments below, then Rebecca will announce the win­ner on her blog on Wednes­day!  And just in case you need some inspi­ra­tion, you can check out these six word auto­bi­ogra­phies.  Bonne chance!

Photo Credit: Moon­tree Letterpress

  1. I’ve always loved the idea behind the six-word story. 🙂 Did you know that it began with Ernest Hemmingway, who claimed that he could write a great story in six words or less? His was: “For sale: baby shoes. Never worn.” One of my personal favorites is from John Mayer: “This heart doesn’t come with instructions.” The adorable Taylor Swift also wrote a clever one: “My diary is read by all.” This is a great post!

    My submission(s):
    I thought I had more time.
    It’s not done; tell you later.
    Fall in love with gentlemen only.
    Falling is the best part. Jump.
    Enjoying the ride, even the bumps.
    Mom, I think he’s the one.
    This moment will be a story.

  2. you have lucky feet, live long!
    soft, snowy, swiftly, you are lucky
    with velvet feet making no waves
    winsomely you frolic, handsomely wandering, free
    multiplying soft footed your successes live!

  3. Loved this idea!

    Miracles happen. Leap forward into yours.

    I may just surprise you all.

    Amazing. That was a magic moment.

    Silly rabbit, you scared the kids.

    I didn’t see that one coming.

    I love you. You did it.

    You couldn’t have surprised me more.

    You really pulled that one off.

    You did what? In a hat?

  4. Everything for wedding finished before event.
    Favorite blanket lost; recovered before bedtime.
    Magic hat, magic rabbit, or magician?
    Daily rabbits needed when raising children.

  5. Actually, I did bring a condom.
    My brother owns this car, officer.
    I’m not that Bill Smith. Really.

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