Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations

Happy Monday everyone! As a mom, I love seeing how other moms translate popular birthday party themes into modern birthday party invitation designs. Case and point: these bright and colorful superhero birthday party invitations from Cari Marie Designs! Sporting vibrant lightening bolts and funky comic book-style graphics, Cari made her son’s dream of being a superhero a reality with this bright and colorful superhero themed birthday party!

Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations by Cari Marie Designs

Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations by Cari Marie Designs

From Cari: WHAM BAM ZWEE! To celebrate my son, Cohen, turning three, I put together a fun, modern, and laid back party for the savvy superhero, decked out in his “super fast” tracksuit complete with lightning bolts, and of course, a superhero mask & cape! Sealed in a bright yellow envelope, the invitations set the tone for the party with superhero sayings and lightning bolts replicated from the party plates! I had fun playing off superhero words like “kapow” and using “hero headquarters” for the party destination spot!

Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations by Cari Marie Designs

When our tiny guests arrived, they had the chance to stop by the wall of capes and masks and pick out their favorite color! (Numerous wardrobe changes occurred during the party, might I add!) There were even some adults who took part in the dress-up fun!

Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations by Cari Marie Designs

Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations by Cari Marie Designs

The party room was filled with custom superhero coloring pages, kapow! Cupcakes topped with pop rocks, boom blast bam mix, super pebble pops and not one, but two birthday cakes – Nutella and chocolate with a chocolate ganache and a gingerbread cake with cream cheese frosting by two birds baking.

Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations by Cari Marie Designs

After the heroes, excuse me, guests helped save the city, they flew back home with their cape and mask, superhero tattoos, glow sticks, pop rocks, hero finger flingers, and loads of boom blast bam mix! They also got to take home their masterpiece coloring sheets!

Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations by Cari Marie Designs

Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations by Cari Marie Designs

His party was a blast to design and I loved incorporating a new perspective on the superhero theme! It was fun to put a modern spin on this theme without using one specific superhero!

Bright and Colorful Superhero Birthday Party Invitations by Cari Marie Designs

Thanks Cari!

Design: Cari Marie Designs
Cakes: two birds baking 

Photo Credits: Cari Holmes

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