Lavender Lemonade Cocktail

It’s almost the Fourth of July and our minds are focused on our favorite things for summer: picnics and barbecue and lemonade, especially that last one because it is hot here in DC. So, as a preview of our next summer cocktail party series (coming next week!), here’s a quick and easy lemonade cocktail you can enjoy over the weekend (and with friends!). – Andrew



Illustration by Shauna Lynn for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Lavender Lemonade Cocktail

6 oz Dry Gin
3 oz Pimm’s No. 1
2 oz Lavender Lemon Simple Syrup
3 Cups Lemonade

Make some lemonade. (Or buy some, we won’t tell.) Combine all of the ingredients in a bottle or pitcher and give the bottle a shake. Pour over ice to serve and enjoy. Makes four servings.


Sweet and tart, with a floral bouquet and a dry, earthy finish from the gin and Pimm’s. Plus some lavender to balance the gin’s dryness. Delicious.


Lemonade is probably one of the easiest things in the world to dress up with booze. Sweet and citrusy tart, it’s pretty much asking to be turned into a cocktail. Gin. Whiskey. Tequila? Why not? Plus, it’s really really hot out there. Get drinking.


If you do make one at home, you can use #osbphappyhour to share photos of these (or your own creations) on Instagram.

Photo Credits: Nole Garey for Oh So Beautiful Paper

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