Pretty Paper in the Office: Staplers

As paperless as the world has become, I always have stacks of papers to sort through.  And you’ll always find a means of keeping them tidy on my desk. Folders, paper clips, and the all mighty stapler.  (Which is also great for a little stress relief, might I add.)  I know I’m not the only one who still has a trusty stapler by their side, so I’ve put together a round up of all shapes and sizes for keeping it together!  – Julie

Pretty Paper in the Office stapler round up

No. 1 ANYTHING stapler from See Jane Work; No. 2 Ace Pilot stapler from Schoolhouse Electric; No. 3 Made By Humans staple-free stapler from Amazon; No. 4 Swingline limited edition stapler from Amazon; No. 5 Beech wood stapler from Present&Correct; No. 6 Dog stapler from The Container Store


And for those of you who attended the National Stationery Show, or who follow Nole’s Instagram, this gorgeous acrylic and gold Russell + Hazel stapler will be available on their website July 15th!

{images via their respective sources}

  1. Perfect timing! I have just been searching for a nice looking stapler but to no avail. Now I have lots to choose from!

  2. Stapler number 4 works nice is light and very easy to carry especially during my field trips where i need to staple papers together.

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