Letterpress Studio – Sweetbeets

I love the new designs popping up on Sweetbeets this week:

How adorable are these gift tags? And at $6 for 8 tags, not a bad deal.

All these and more at the Sweetbeets etsy shop, and check out the Sweetbeets blog here!

  1. Thank you so much, Nole, for featuring Sweetbeets today! Your new blog is so inspiring.

  2. I love your blog! I just found it like a week ago and I am in love.
    What’s the font in your blog banner? I love the f. I have an f in my name and I am always on the lookout for good fonts with good f’s. 🙂

  3. Hi J! Thanks so much for your comment!
    The font in my banner is called “Feel Script” and you can find the font at http://www.veer.com – specifically at this link: http://www.veer.com/products/typedetail.aspx?image=UMT0000300.
    However, Feel Script isn’t cheap, so if you’re looking for a similar alternative, I’d recommend the Mahogany Script font – http://www.fonts.com/findfonts/detail.htm?pid=203231 – which is only $29 and has a very similar style.
    Hope that helps!

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