Happy Weekend!

Hi everyone!  Are you all ready for the weekend?  I most definitely am!  I'm currently up in New York City for a few days on a work trip and my husband and I will be spending the weekend traipsing around the city and Brooklyn.  If you have any recommendations of cool things to do, particularly in Brooklyn, let me know!  In the meantime…

Helen-musselwhite-paper-sculpture-we-are-family {paper sculpture by Helen Musselwhite via design is mine}

…here are a few things making me happy right now:


  • These paintings that Katy found are so lovely
  • Kate Headley is offering a photography workshop for photographers and bloggers!  Check out the details right here. So exciting! 

That's it for me this week — I'll see you all back here on Monday.  Oh, and just a reminder to any designers out there — I'm starting to work on my 2010 calendar round-up, so don't forget to send me your calendars if you'd like them to be included!  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
{image credits: paper sculpture by Helen Musselwhite via design is mine and automatism, dress + shoes by photosmashing}

{terrible yellow eyes}

Like almost everyone else on the planet, Where the Wild Things Are is one of my favorite childhood books, so I was thrilled to come across a collection of illustrations inspired by the world's most lovable monsters over on freshly blended.  Terrible Yellow Eyes is a collection of works celebrating the beloved classic curated by Cory Godbey — and the results are stunning:

Where-the-wild-things-are2 {nicole gustafsson}

There's some truly amazing work over at the Terrible Yellow Eyes project, and I'm literally swooning over these a-m-a-z-i-n-g papercut pieces by Alberto CerriteƱo:
Please go take a peek at the other amazing contributions to this project over at Terrible Yellow Eyes — and if you're lucky enough to be anywhere near the exhibit venue, Gallery Nucleus, please check it out for me!
{the images above copyright by the respective artist via the terrible yellow eyes project}

Amazing Folded Paper Jewelry

When I saw these gorgeous necklaces on Soolip yesterday, my jaw just about hit the floor:

Made by Hila Rawet, each necklace is created using sheets of folded paper — with an absolutely beautiful result.  I'm having a really hard time choosing a favorite, but have narrowed it down to the four above.  Check out the rest from the Kipul Collection, as well as some of Hila's other gorgeous industrial jewelry creations, on her website right here.
{image credit: Hila Rawet}

Blog Anniversary Giveaway – Laurel Denise!

I can't believe it's Friday already — our last day of giveaways this week!  This week has just flown by, and I hope you've enjoyed this week of celebration as much as I have!  We're definitely ending this week on a high note with two more fabulous giveaways, starting with this amazing 2010 planner from Laurel Denise!

Laurel Denise 2010 Yearly Planner
This is the planner for folks (like us) who like good design.  From the typography to clean and modern layout, it's probably the most beautiful planner I've ever seen — and I've seen a lot of planners over the years.  Laurel also made sure that the planner was super-functional, with a bunch of handy lists (including perforated shopping and notes lists that you can tear out if needed) and inserts to help you manage your schedule on a daily or weekly basis:
Laurel Denise 2010 Yearly Planner
Laurel Denise 2010 Yearly Planner
Laurel Denise 2010 Yearly Planner
So as I'm sure you've already guessed, Laurel is giving away one of these beautiful planners to one of you!  Yay, thanks Laurel!
For this giveaway, I'm drawing inspiration from one of the lists in Laurel's planner — the "books I'd like to read" list above.  So, to enter this giveaway, just leave a comment below with at least one book on your reading list.  A winner will be selected randomly and notified via e-mail, so make sure you leave a valid e-mail address in the comment form (not the body of the comment).  You'll have until 11:59 p.m. EST tomorrow, September 12 to enter.  Bonne chance!
UPDATE: Congratulations Jessica Lynn!  You've won the 2010 planner from Laurel Denise!  Thanks to all who entered — and for all the fabulous book recommendations!
{image credits: Oh So Beautiful Paper}