November Wallpapers

Welcome to November everyone! And this happens to be a particularly important November thanks to the midterm elections – which are TOMORROW! Have you voted already? Do you have a voting plan tomorrow? And don’t forget to play Midterm Election Night Bingo while watching the returns tomorrow night! Whether you’ll be voting Democrat or Republican, please please please vote. It’s unbelievably important in every election, but especially this one. So! In honor of the midterms, we’re offering a couple of election-themed wallpapers for your enjoyment this month, plus a bonus non-election themed wallpaper from Kim at Bright Room Studio! The wallpapers are available in three sizes – desktop, iPad, and iPhone – so pick your favorite, or pick two and use them for two different devices! Or use the iPhone wallpaper to encourage your friends to vote on Instagram stories! Multipurpose wallpapers are the best wallpapers. Which one will you choose?

Election-Themed Wallpaper / VOTE

Desktop | iPad | iPhone

Election-Themed Wallpaper / Robert F. Kennedy Quote

Desktop | iPad | iPhone

Gourds Watercolor Wallpaper by Bright Room Studio for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Desktop | iPad | iPhone

Looking for more beautiful seasonal wallpapers? Here are the wallpapers from November 2017, November 2016November 2015, and November 2014!

p.s. Don’t forget to download and print your Midterm Election Night Bingo!

For personal use only. All illustrations by Oh So Beautiful Paper and Bright Room Studio.

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to submissions(at) with the subject line “desktop downloads.” If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!

October 2018 Wallpapers!

Happy October everyone! This is when it really starts to feel like fall in DC – cool and crisp mornings, a hint of changing leaves, switching from iced to hot coffee… and of course tons of pumpkins all over town! It’s one of my favorite months of the whole year. We have a couple of beautiful calligraphy and illustrated wallpapers from Black Lamb Studio and Plume Calligraphy for your phones, desktop computers, and iPads to help celebrate the new month. Pick your favorite below – or download one of each for different devices!

October Wallpaper / Black Lamb Studio

iPhone | iPad | Desktop

October Wallpaper / Plume Calligraphy

iPhone | iPad | Desktop

For personal use only. All illustrations by Black Lamb Studio and Plume Calligraphy for Oh So Beautiful Paper

p.s. If you’re interested in walking down memory lane a bit, here are the wallpaper designs from October 2017, October 2016, and October 2015!

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to hello(at) with the subject line “desktop downloads” and image files in both desktop and iPhone retina screen sizes. If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!

September 2018 Wallpapers!

Well hello there! Happy September everyone! Did you have a restful Labor Day weekend? I’m personally wishing it could have been just ONE day longer, but it was still a lovely weekend. Anyway, after our August hiatus, I’m excited to jump back into things with some brand new wallpapers! Oh, and guess what?? Starting this month, we’re introducing iPad wallpaper sizes! I’m admittedly a bit late to the iPad train, but we finally got one before traveling to Iceland and I realized how badly I needed a cute wallpaper for the home screen. So here you go! We’ve got three beautiful designs from Copper Paper Co. and Australian stationer In the Daylight – pick your favorite below, or download a couple options for different devices!

September Rainbow Wallpaper / In The Daylight for Oh So Beautiful Paper

iPhone | iPad | Desktop

September Floral Wallpaper / Copper Paper Co. for Oh So Beautiful Paper

iPhone | iPad | Desktop

September Rose Wallpaper / Copper Paper Co. for Oh So Beautiful Paper

iPhone | iPad | Desktop

For personal use only. All illustrations by In the Daylight and Copper Paper Co. for Oh So Beautiful Paper

p.s. If you’re interested in walking down memory lane a bit, here are the wallpaper designs from September 2017, September 2016, and September 2015!

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to hello(at) with the subject line “desktop downloads” and image files in both desktop and iPhone retina screen sizes. If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!

August 2018 Wallpapers!

Ah, August. The month that everyone should be on mandatory vacation, don’t you think? My family just got back from a couple days at the beach and it felt SO good to get away for even just a couple of days. Are you heading off on vacation soon? Did you already take your summer vacation? Spill the details! Are you going to the beach? Or do you prefer adventure vacations? While we’re all dreaming of summer vacations and adventures, let’s enjoy these brand new illustrated and calligraphy wallpapers from Mint for Hue and Copper Paper Co. for your phone and desktop!

Illustrated Wallpaper by Copper Paper Co. for Oh So Beautiful Paper

iPhone | Desktop

Calligraphy Wallpaper by Mint for Hue for Oh So Beautiful Paper

iPhone | Desktop

For personal use only. All illustrations by Mint for Hue and Copper Paper Co. for Oh So Beautiful Paper

p.s. If you’re interested in walking down memory lane a bit, here are the wallpaper designs from August 2017, August 2016, and August 2015!

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to hello(at) with the subject line “desktop downloads” and image files in both desktop and iPhone retina screen sizes. If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!

June 2018 Wallpapers!

Well, happy first day of June everyone! With Memorial Day behind us, we can basically just say that this is officially summer, right? We have a couple more weeks of school left here in DC, but we’re quickly counting down the days until summer break and long days spent at our local splash pad. To kick off the new month, we have two gorgeous new wallpapers from The Good Twin and Mint for Hue! Such fun summer colors – download your favorite through the links below!

June 2018 Illustrated Wallpaper / The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Desktop | iPhone

June 2018 Illustrated Wallpaper / Mint for Hue for Oh So Beautiful Paper

Desktop | iPhone

For personal use only. All illustrations by Mint for Hue and The Good Twin for Oh So Beautiful Paper

p.s. If you’re interested in walking down memory lane a bit, here are the wallpaper designs from June 2017, June 2016, and June 2015!

If you’re a designer or illustrator interested in contributing your own designs to this column, please email your design to hello(at) with the subject line “desktop downloads” and image files in both desktop and iPhone retina screen sizes. If it’s a good fit I’ll add it to the post for the following month!