Neighborhood Transit Paper Love

It’s probably pretty clear by now: I like to spend my free time ogling pretty paper online.  But by day, I’m a transit planner, and every now and then work and play intersect.  How about a round of applause for alternative transit modes, then… whether they’re traditional or not.

Receiving this transit-themed card from Paper Parasol Press would warm the hearts of several nerdy planner/engineer types I know.

This hand-printed streetcar art from Robert Rat Prints is sort of perfect for the work that I do. (Not to mention my home’s color scheme.)

These gocco bicycle notecards from Chunky Pineapple are as cheerful as they are budget-friendly.

I wish this club existed in my neighborhood!  What a great letterpress print from Letterpress Delicacies.

For the dreamers among you, perhaps you’d rather travel by hot air balloon? These illustrations on vintage dictionary paper by Rabbit Dog Prints are pretty fantastic.

- Maggie

DC Paper Love

Happy Monday everyone!  As I mentioned on Friday, I’m taking this week off to recover from the totally awesome Ladies of Letterpress Conference and hang out with my newly-returned hubby.  I’ve asked two awesome ladies to help out this week – my awesome friend Maggie and the equally awesome Melanie from You Are My Fave.  First up today, Maggie!

Hi everyone!  I’m thrilled to guest-post for Nole while she and her husband enjoy a much-deserved reunion.  Nole and I are old-fashioned neighbors in Washington D.C.’s Capitol Hill neighborhood who met in a decidedly new-fashioned way: through blogging!  Since we both work from home, we like to take advantage of extended lunches or early happy hours in our neighborhood, where I selfishly try to convince Nole to open a brick and mortar stationery shop in the ‘hood.  I like to imagine that this fantasy stationery shop will bring the incredible world of pretty paper that Nole’s created here online right into my neighborhood, where I’d never again have to pay shipping fees to feed my letterpress addiction.  On that note – and in honor of the wonderful city that we call home – here are a few DC-themed items that would be right at home on the shelves of Nole’s hypothetical store.

This DC flag letterpress print made up of local neighborhood names from Grey Moggie Press is so my kind of thing that I actually already own it.  I think I’m going to hang it in our guest room.  Related: you know what kills me about framing letterpress?  It’s impossible to pet the paper when it’s behind glass!  Sigh…

This whimsical letterpress map of Washington from Gooseberry Press would be perfect for a Save the Date… or matted and framed in, say, a home office.  Is this the time to admit that I own this one, too?

Here’s another kind of map that warms my heart, showing typography at its best.  No, I do not own this… but I sure wouldn’t mind it!

I adore Art Shark Design’s red umbrellas series, particularly this Washington Monument piece.  So romantic!  Especially since mine was a gift from my husband when we first moved to DC.

Now that I’ve exposed a little of my DC-themed paper addiction, I hope you’ll join me in the campaign to convince Nole that our neighborhood – and my shopping habits – need her.  Right, Nole?  (I’m pretty sure she’s going to kill me for this post.  Ed Note: Nope, definitely grinning over here!)

- Maggie

{images from their respective sources}

Modern Navy + White Graduation Announcements

We started last week off with moving announcements, and today we’re helping to start the new week with a modern graduation announcement from Karly at Sweet Beaker.  Karly worked with the family of a recent high school graduate to come up with a modern-meets-classic announcement design incorporating a modified crest and the high school colors of navy and white.  Fun!


From Karly: At the time I was doing research for the design of these announcements, the royal wedding was just around the corner and I came across an article about Kate Middleton’s new coat of arms — ahh!  Hold the presses!  Instant inspiration!  Several sketches later, a simple monogrammed crest emerged, which can also be applied to other stationery extensions (thank you notes!).


We opted for a split layout with pertinent event information on the left and a pattern on the right with matching envelope liner.  The versatile pattern is great all by itself, but also allows space for Jordan to attach a senior photo to the right of the announcement.  School colors, a little hint of silver, a crest, pattern and optional photo = success!  Such a fun project, through and through.


So cool – thanks Karly!

Photo Credits: Sweet Beaker

Seasonal Stationery: Father’s Day Cards, Part 3

Father’s Day is just a little over a week away, so definitely time to get a card if you haven’t already!  You can check out the first two round ups here and here, but – just in case you’re still searching for the perfect card – I still have a few more to share with you!


Wild Ink Press

The Nic Studio


Sass & Peril


Printerette Press

Anemone-Letterpress-Seahorse-Fathers-Day-Card Anemone-Letterpress-Lion-Fathers-Day-Card

Anemone Letterpress


Fugu Fugu Press


Sweet Letter Press


Paper Plates Press

{images via their respective sources}

*Wild Ink Press is a spon­sor of Oh So Beau­ti­ful Paper.  For more on my edi­to­r­ial poli­cies, please click here.

Seasonal Stationery: Father’s Day Cards, Part 2

Now that June is officially here, it’s time for a few more Father’s Day cards!  So just in case you’re still searching for the perfect card for the dads in your life, here are some options to consider!


Cotton Flower Press


Tabletop Made


Starshaped Press

Sycamore-Street-Press-Fathers-Day-Card Impressed-Design-Best-Dad-Ever-Fathers-Day-Card

Sycamore Street Press (left); Impressed Design (right)


Lettuce Press


Love Citron


a.favorite design

Red-Cap-Cards-Monkey-Fathers-Day Dude-Chick-Funny-Fathers-Day-Card

Red Cap Cards (left); Dude and Chick (right)


Richie Design


Ink Petals


Blackbird Letterpress


Avie Designs

In case you missed it, you can check out the first installment of Father’s Day Cards right here!

p.s. This card is also really cute for an online-savvy Dad.

{images from their respective sources}