I love this new bridal shower invitation from People St. Clair:

{photo via People St. Clair Studio}
I love this new bridal shower invitation from People St. Clair:
{photo via People St. Clair Studio}
Oh how I love these prints from Lizzy House! The first one below, of Shakespeare's 12th sonnet, is my particular favorite:
{call me ishmael – love the raised whales!}
{cathedral – final edition!}
{found via More Ways to Waste Time. Great find Leah!}
Something must have been in the air last week, since a bunch of my favorite blogs were all about book cover designs! Design is Mine and Unruly Things both highlighted a few of their favorite designs – I particularly liked this silhouette cover that Alyson featured:
{images via unruly things and m.s. corley}
Lynn from Satsuma Press finally posted a sneak peek to her upcoming wedding line, and I think I’m just as excited as Lynn to see the line taking shape!
Congratulations to Kristina and her merry band of designer friends for launching their new blog – 100 Layer Cake! Not only is the blog itself just absolutely gorgeous, but it promises to be full of fabulous wedding ideas and inspiration.
I’ve already added it to my list of daily reads, and I hope you’ll go check it out for yourself!