NSS Bound – Carta, Inc.

Now that the stationery show is just over a week away, I'm getting more and more excited to see the new stationery designs and collections from some of my favorite designers who will be exhibiting at the show.  Angela Liguori from Carta, Inc. sent over a sneak peek at her new line called Francobolli — which means "stamp" in Italian, a fitting name as each card features a vintage postage stamp:

Francobolli cards sets1
Francobolli cards sets3
Francobolli cards sets4

In addition to the vintage stamps, each card features hand lettering in black ink on Italian Rossi paper — with a total of 24 cards in the collection.  I can't wait to see them all in person!

{image credits: angela liguori}

Spring Gift Wrap – and NSS 2010

It seems like last year's National Stationery Show was just a few weeks ago – I still remember being absolutely giddy with excitement (so many amazing booths! so many fabulous designs to see!) and totally and completely exhausted (from walking the dozens and dozens of aisles with my big ol' camera in tow) all at the same time.  But even with the exhaustion, NSS week is one of my favorite weeks of the entire year, and I'm already getting so excited for this year's show!

Pikku pacchetti

So when Angela e-mailed me to let me know about her latest collaboration with Pikku that she will be presenting at this year's NSS (also available in her shop here), I got even more excited!

Pikku paper and ribbons SPRING

I'm looking forward to catching up with designers from last year (like Angela!) and hopefully getting to see some new faces at the show.  If you plan to exhibit (or even if you're just planning to stop by to check out the show), please e-mail me with your booth number so that I can be sure to drop by!

{image credits: angela liguori}

Jen + Dan — Lobster Bake Rehearsal Dinner Invitations

Hello, hello!  This is Jen with the haystack needle again.  Thanks for following along this week as I guest post for Nole, who’s moving into her new home.  Today is all about the invitations for our wedding rehearsal dinner:


We hosted a small wedding with a simple ceremony (no wedding party and our friend Erin married us.)  So the day before the wedding (after a big morning of decorating the barn with the help of friends), we invited everyone to Dan’s family’s camp for a classic lobster bake.  Dan and I get lobster every time we’re up in Maine, but we got really lucky that day.  His dad picked up a crate of lobsters straight from a fisherman’s boat.  Fantastic.



Most of our friends and my family had never been up to camp, so it was a treat to have everyone together in such a special place for us.  My mom contributed a couple favorite dishes that represent my background: German potato salad and Persian spinach patties.  Dan picked up sparklers which were a perfect way to close the night with our whoopie pies.

lobster bake


For the invites, I used letterpress flats with lobsters (of course!) by Linda & Harriett.  L&H designer Liz Libré and I share a love for Maine.  When I met Liz at the National Stationery Show years ago, we discovered she and her huz went to college in the Maine town where Dan grew up!  How fun, right?!  I wish I had figured out how to run the flats through my printer rather than writing them out by hand (since my handwriting would not be mistaken for calligraphy, let’s be honest.)  But live and learn.  In my scrapbook, the background paper is part of a lobster placemat by Carrot & Stick Press.

All photographs by the lovely Charlotte Jenks Lewis.

Lovely Ribbon + Gift Wrap

I'm a huge fan of Angela Liguori's beautiful Italian ribbons (I even used her ribbons to wrap my wedding bouquets!) and I pretty much fell in love with the patterned paper from Pikku at the National Stationery Show this past May.  So I was beyond thrilled to hear about this fantastic collaboration combining Angela's ribbons with the Pikku wrapping paper — and just in time for the holidays!


Each package from this collaboration includes four sheets of Pikku wrapping paper — each in a different color and design — and 10 yards of Angela's ribbon in your choice of red, pool, neutral or chartreuse.  Available for purchase in Angela's shops here and here

{image credits: Angela Liguori}

NYIGF Recap, Part 4

One of the largest booths in the upstairs handmade section of the NYIGF was the booth of stationery representative daisyd and friends, which included a collection of stationery and paper goods from Night Owl Paper Goods, Dutch Door Press, HammerpressModern Printed Matter, Ink + Paper, Round Robin Press, and many more:

{a sneak peek of the unbelievably gorgeous 2010 calendar from Night Owl Paper Goods}
Also in the upstairs handmade section was the booth featuring letterpress cards and prints from Yee-Haw Industries:
I also came across this beautiful laser-cut wood and steel jewelry by Daphne Olive:
I also spent some time in the downstairs section of the NYIGF, which featured handmade goods from international vendors.  It was in this section that I discovered these amazing textiles from Indika Imports:
{these Tree of Life wall hangings use one continuous piece of fabric – they remind me of paper cut artwork}
{I also loved these fabric bird garlands – called prosperity hens – hanging around the booth}
In addition to beautiful textiles, Indika also carries a lovely selection of Indian paper goods:
I just couldn't stop staring at all of the lovely patterns and colors – so gorgeous!  You can find all of these and more right here.
That's all from this year's NYIGF – I hope you all enjoyed the recaps from the show!
{all photos by me}