We took a quick trip down to Mount Vernon this past weekend. This is my favorite time of year to visit Mount Vernon — the entire estate is full of gorgeous lilacs, all of which were in bloom this past weekend:

If you’ve seen photos from my wedding, then you probably already know how much I love lilacs. I just about skipped from shrub to shrub trying to take in as much of the amazing lilac scent as possible. I love how the lilacs grow so big and wild at Mount Vernon — I just wished they bloomed all season long!

Mount Vernon overlooks the Potomac River, and even though it’s usually pretty crowded with tourists whenever we go down it always feels incredibly peaceful to sit on the lawn and look out at the river. On this trip we’re pretty sure we saw a pair of bald eagles flying above us! I tried to get a picture, but they were too far away.

I love the formal gardens and orchards around the estate. We bought annual passes, so we’re planning to make a few more trips over the summer and fall when the fruit trees, vegetables and herbs all start to produce and we can go visit the 4-acre working farm. This time we were there really just for the flowers — like these beautiful dogwoods:

{all images by me}