Sally + Ben’s Sweet and Simple Illustrated Wedding Invitations

I’m a big believer of beauty in simplicity, and these beautiful illustrated wedding invitations from Diane of Bells & Whistles are a wonderful example! Designed for her sister’s wedding, Diane was inspired by the natural beauty of the wedding venue on the South African coast. Diane combined modern fonts with delicate hand lettering and illustrations, all in an off-white and navy color palette. So pretty!

Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

From Diane: Sally and Ben’s ceremony was held in a quaint little church in Southwell on the coast of South Africa. The reception took place in the town hall of Kasouga, where Sally’s family have gone since their childhood. Their theme had a rustic setting while still maintaining a sense of elegance and incorporated a natural color palette with navy accents.

Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

These aspects and elements from the decor are what inspired me when designing. I created hand lettering to accompany the font and incorporated illustrations of the main flower of the wedding (the protea), the church, and the town hall.

Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (8) Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (9)

Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

I wanted to capture the intimacy, simplicity and beauty of the day. I also loved Ben’s idea to put the meaning of each guests name on their escort cards as they made lovely keepsakes and great conversation starters.

Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (7)

Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5) Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (11)

Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2) Illustrated South African Wedding Invitations by Bells + Whistles via Oh So Beautiful Paper (10)

Thanks Diane!

Check out the Designer Rolodex for more tal­ented wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers and the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Bells & Whistles

Andrea’s Rustic Woodland Theme Baby Shower Invitations

When it came time to plan her winter baby shower, Andrea from Featherpress Design and her friends decided to go in a slightly non-traditional direction with a rustic woodland theme. Andrea illustrated an assortment of woodland creatures for the invitation and rsvp card, and lined the envelopes by hand in a woodland-appropriate green and white plaid pattern. Too cute!

Woodland Theme Baby Shower invitations by Featherpress Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

From Andrea: I wanted something different for my own baby shower invitations. We started with the woodland theme of the shower, and I illustrated forest creatures like owls and deer in green and white. The invitations were paired with brown envelopes with plaid green and white envelope liners.

Woodland Themed Baby Shower Invitations by Featherpress Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2) Woodland Themed Baby Shower Invitations by Featherpress Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper

Woodland Theme Baby Shower invitations by Featherpress Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

We kept costs down by using digital printing and lining the envelopes by hand. To continue the theme throughout the baby shower, I designed all the shower games to match the invitation.

Woodland Theme Baby Shower invitations by Featherpress Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Woodland Theme Baby Shower invitations by Featherpress Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

Thanks Andrea!

Photo Credits: Featherpress Design

Sierra + Brendan’s Hand-Lettered Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations should always reflect the style and tone of the wedding itself, whether a formal black tie affair or an intimate casual gathering. Sierra and Brendan wanted to avoid any impression of stuffiness in their wedding invitations, so they worked with artist Jesse Wells to create a sweet illustrated design. The invitation suite even features a keepsake print for their guests!

Hand-Lettered Wedding Invitations by Jesse Wells via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

From Sierra: We wanted the centerpiece of the invitation to be a limited edition letterpress print as a wedding keepsake for our guests. Jesse Wells designed both the print and invitations. A tent in our backyard that we’d lit with a hanging light fixture inspired her design. My husband and I are both writers and avid readers, so she depicted us reading together.

Hand-Lettered Wedding Invitations by Jesse Wells via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

The invitation itself and the RSVP card borrowed visual elements from the print. We also wanted to keep the invitation design simple. Our wedding was held in a friend’s garden, so we wanted the invitations to have a handmade look, but also look clean. Jesse Wells provided the hand lettering and printed the invitations at the Virginia Art of the Book Center in Charlottesville, Virginia. Green was our wedding color, so you’ll notice she used a couple different green inks. I helped cut the paper afterward.

Hand-Lettered Wedding Invitations by Jesse Wells via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

Hand-Lettered Wedding Invitations by Jesse Wells via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

Hand-Lettered Wedding Invitations by Jesse Wells via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

Thanks Sierra!

Design: Jesse Wells

Photo Credits: Sierra + Brendan

Amy + John’s 3D Decoder Surprise Wedding Invitations

Happy Monday everyone! We’re starting the week with these unique 3D invitations from Amy of Saint Gertrude Design + Letterpress. After several years together, Amy and her now-husband decided to finally tie the knot. With their friends and family already gathered together to celebrate their daughter’s 2nd birthday, they handed out decoder glasses and surprised everyone with a wedding! How fun!

3D Decoder Surprise Wedding Invitations by Saint Gertrude Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (6)

From Amy: Despite being a wedding invitation designer, I’m not your typical ‘get married’ kinda gal. I love a wedding… but as a guest. The idea of ever being a bride was such a daunting prospect that my partner and I just kinda skipped over it, made a home together, had our daughter and were living in happily unmarried bliss. But 2012 dealt us a few blows and what came out of a really rough year was the realisation of the strong and unconditional love we had for each other. The only thing that stood in the way of us ‘being married’ was ‘getting married’.

3D Decoder Surprise Wedding Invitations by Saint Gertrude Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (5)

On the 29th of December, our daughter Hazel’s 2nd birthday, we hijacked her party and got married. I wanted to create invitations that held a hidden message and also had a very subtle theme of ‘written in the stars’. Our guests received these invitations in the mail and on a beautiful summer day, a small crowd gathered in our back yard for what they thought a kid’s birthday party.

3D Decoder Surprise Wedding Invitations by Saint Gertrude Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (4)

3D Decoder Surprise Wedding Invitations by Saint Gertrude Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (3)

At 2:30, we handed out some envelopes, inside which were the invitations but this time they came with 3D decoder glasses that revealed this birthday was also a wedding. My friend and photographer captured some beautiful moments of our families realising what was going on. Our unsuspecting sisters were our witnesses and we danced our first dance (to John Lennon’s ‘Across The Universe’), not on a dance floor in front of 100 people, but in our garage with just the last few guests standing.

3D Decoder Surprise Wedding Invitations by Saint Gertrude Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (2)

3D Decoder Surprise Wedding Invitations by Saint Gertrude Design via Oh So Beautiful Paper (1)

Thanks so much Amy, and congratulations!

Design and Letterpress Printing: Saint Gertrude Design + Letterpress

Check out the Designer Rolodex for more tal­ented wed­ding invi­ta­tion design­ers and the real invi­ta­tions gallery for more wedding invitation ideas!

Photo Credits: Luke Lornie Photography

{happy weekend!}

As much as I grumble about housing prices and other various DC-related headaches, this week reminded me of how much I really do love my city. We took Sophie to the Natural History Museum for the first time, mostly on a whim and only about an hour before it closed, but the museum was practically empty and it was so perfect. We enjoyed the live butterfly pavilion, but she really loved the gemstone exhibit – and who can blame her? Sparkly things in bright colors? Perfect for babies! Our afternoon at the museum made me even more excited for spring and summer, when we can do more outdoor things with Sophie. But in the meantime…


All photos by me via Instagram

…a few links for your weekend!

This week on Oh So Beautiful Paper:

We’ve got a little pre-Valentine’s Day treat coming up for you this afternoon… I don’t want to spoil the surprise, so check back a bit later this afternoon! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! xoxo