Behind the Stationery: Wild Ink Press

Today we’re bringing you a MEGA edition of Behind the Stationery with the one and only Rebekah of Wild Ink Press­! She shares a little bit of everything: why she started Wild Ink Press, a tour of their studio and small storefront, the process behind her designs, and so much more. Thanks Rebekah!

Behind the Stationery: Wild Ink Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Wild Ink Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Hello! Rebekah Tennis here – owner, designer, and general boss lady at Wild Ink Press â€“ and I’m delighted to take you behind the scenes of our stationery company!

I started Wild Ink Press­ in 2009, springing out of a desire to create a cherished, finished product. I have a BFA in Graphic Design, and while I loved my job working in a corporate design firm, I found the nature of branding design to be frustrating – websites getting tweaked over and over, logos stretched out of proportion, with no finality to the work. I longed to create art that was both finished (forever!) and something that I loved, and so Wild Ink Press was born to create beautiful paper goods that others would value and enjoy. My husband Matt listened to my wild-haired ideas and we both took a series of letterpress classes at the San Francisco Center for the Book, then made the plunge and purchased a 1908 Chandler & Price Platen 10 x 15 Press on Ebay.

Behind the Stationery: Wild Ink Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Our company has grown and expanded over the years (through lots of blood, sweat, and tears, believe me) and we now are a staff of seven with a retail and printing space in a converted old soda bottling shop in downtown Chico, Northern California. It houses our letterpress machines, inventory, and also our creative and packaging space. We bought the abandoned building, and it has been very rewarding to restore it to its former glory and let it shine as a 3200 square-foot open studio workspace. We now have three Heidelberg Windmills, a 1912 Golding Jobber, a Vandercook Universal I, and a baby Kelsey 5 x 8 press (for the kids) in addition to our original C & P. And yes, we do print on all of them!

Behind the Stationery: Wild Ink Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Wild Ink Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

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Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press

Our next designer is one of my favorites because whenever I need a good laugh, Sapling Press is there. Lisa’s simple cards with a bold and clever sense of humor are right up my alley – and I particularly look forward to her new offerings each year. Lisa has grown her business from a one-woman show to leading and managing a staff and working with other local businesses. I am so honored to share their story today. Here’s Lisa! –Megan

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Before starting Sapling Press in 2003, I worked in Baltimore as a full-time graphic designer for a small firm. I became interested in letterpress printing and I contacted the letterpress professor at MICA and she was nice enough to give me a 4-hour personal lesson out of her home studio. I fell in love with printing and within a few months I found a studio space, bought my first press, and registered to exhibit at the National Stationery Show. I had no plan, zero product, and absolutely no idea how to run a business – I just went for it.

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I dedicated as much time as I had to printing and growing my business while working my 9-5. Two years later, my husband and I moved to Pittsburgh and I made Sapling Press my full-time gig. However, shortly after moving I had 2 kiddos back to back, started a side wedding stationery business with a friend, and just took some time to reevaluate my product, plans, and goals for Sapling Press. Those years were crazy hard, but I was in it to win it. In 2010, I basically started over and re-introduced Sapling Press with the look and vibe that we’re known for today.

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I’ve moved my shop three times within the last five years all within the city of Pittsburgh. Our shop is currently located in a 3-story building in the borough of Lawrenceville, close to lots of great shops and other small businesses. The first floor is dedicated to printing, production, and classes, while the middle floor is reserved for packaging, shipping, and meetings. I rent out the 3rd floor to my husband who has his own design firm.

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

While we don’t sell any products out of the space, we have a retail store front where our presses sit front and center. Having people stop and stare and seeing kid’s faces pressed against the window definitely took some time to get used to, but we love watching people watch us and the presses in action.

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful PaperEverything we do is letterpress printed in house. While there are a ton of great letterpress stationery companies out there, I think our minimal design and copywriting sets us apart from some of the others. Smart words on a page – that’s our thing. Humor has also been known to be our calling card. 99% of our products have no real sentiment or intention other than to make someone laugh. A few years ago, I started reaching out to folks in the hopes of collaborating on some cards. The collaborations have lead to great friendships, lasting partnerships, and have resulted in some of our best selling cards. Working with others is something that we’ll always do.

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I hired my first full-time employee almost four years ago. There are now seven of us here, and everyone has their own role in the business. The shop employs 3 printers, 2 packagers, and a project coordinator who runs everything else behind the scenes. We meet every Monday to go over the week in regards to deadlines, meetings, custom orders, etc…and then we each go our separate ways and do our thing throughout the week.

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

As the business has grown, I’ve found myself sitting more behind the desk than behind the press, which has been my biggest adjustment within the business. These days I play the role of creative director, head of product development, social media maven, and all the other non-glamorous jobs that come along with owning a business. When I’m not here at the shop, I’m busy being a mom and shopkeeper at Sapling & Sons, a separate retail shop I opened almost one year ago. I like to stay busy.

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I struggle with time management more than anything else. Because I’m a night owl, I sometimes count all 24 hours in the day as possible working hours. I’m a lot better than I used to be, but I still enjoy an all nighter every once in a while. The majority of my ideas, designs, and scheming are all done after midnight. My inspiration comes from anywhere and everywhere. I love watching sketch comedies. I like pop culture. The wordsmiths of ’90s hip hop. I love people watching. When something gives me pause, or I find myself laughing at something, I make a note of it on my phone. Why did I laugh, what memory did that spark, who did that make me think of, and so on. That rabbit hole usually leads me to a new idea which is always just one card.

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Because I design in complete collections instead of individual SKUs, I think about how we could expand on that one card. In the end, the result is usually about 8-12 cards within that collection. As time goes on, I’ve realized we seem to have a bit of a formula. A caffeine reference, a grammar reference, a pop culture reference, and so on. I write what I can, keep what I think is good, and then reach out to my collaborators to see what they can add.

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Once I go through their ideas, I filter them down a bit, and then share them with the team. The ideas are printed out, and everyone is asked to read them on their own and simply make a note as soon as one makes you laugh out loud. Those are always our winners. Designing this way has us expanding our line by about 40-50 new cards a year, keeps us current, and continues to help the business grow in every direction possible. Our next endeavor is a brand new website, product lines that go beyond stationery, and a collaboration between some of our favorite local designers on a new line of Sapling Press wedding stationery. Gotta love the hustle!

Behind the Stationery: Sapling Press / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Photos by Matt Dayak

Interested in participating in this column? Reach out to Megan at megan(at) for more details about Behind the Stationery.

Productivity and Daily Routines

Hi Everyone! Today I thought I’d do something a little bit different and share a glimpse into my everyday routine. It’s a fairly new routine, since it has only been a couple of months since Sophie started preschool and Alice started full time daycare, and I’m still trying to figure out what works best for me as a mom and creative entrepreneur.

Productivity and Daily Routines / Oh So Beautiful Paper

My day starts with getting the girls dressed and ready to go to preschool and daycare. We’re a single car family, so I drive and drop everyone off in the morning and then pick them all back up at the end of the day. In between I work out of my home office/studio. The round trip drop-off and pick up commute usually takes about an hour, which is tough since that’s a good chunk of work time. Sophie gets out of preschool at 3 pm every afternoon, so my challenge is to squeeze in as much productive work time as possible before I go pick her up. I normally work for a couple of hours at night after the kids are asleep, but I try to get as much done during those daytime hours as possible!

Productivity and Daily Routines / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Productivity and Daily Routines / Oh So Beautiful Paper

If you talk to any creative entrepreneur, they’ll tell you that email is one of their biggest productivity challenges. There’s just so much of it! Responding to incoming emails, organizing and archiving messages, and sending outgoing messages can eat up a huge chunk of my day. I use a service called Unroll.Me to help clean out my inbox and keep it manageable. Unroll.Me allows you to unsubscribe quickly and easily from unwanted newsletters and combine the rest of those newsletters – the ones you want to receive but don’t want crowding up your inbox – into a once daily email digest called “The Rollup.” I’ve actually used Unroll.Me for a few years now and I absolutely love it. I was thrilled when Unroll.Me reached out about helping to spread the word about their new iOS app!

Unroll.Me for iOS / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Unroll.Me is fast, simple, and totally FREE – and it really couldn’t be easier to use. After you sign up, Unroll.Me will scan your inbox to identify subscriptions. Then with a simple click of the mouse you can choose to unsubscribe (Unroll.Me does it for you), add the email to your Rollup, or keep it in your inbox. I even use my Rollup to keep all the newsletters from my favorite stationers and artists in one place! The entire process seriously takes about five minutes. When I first signed up for Unroll.Me years ago I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Unsubscribing from those emails –instead of having to delete them every single week – got them completely out of my mental space so I could focus on the things that matter. It sounds silly, but that kind of mental weight can have a huge impact on your productivity!

Productivity and Daily Routines / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Productivity and Daily Routines / Oh So Beautiful Paper

After responding to emails and sorting through any editorial submissions that came in overnight, I turn my attention to my to-do list for the day. Every day is different when running a blog depending on what’s on the agenda for that particular week. Some days involve DIY project production and taking photos, while other days involve searching for cards and products to feature in round up posts. I like to keep a colorful notepad on my desk for jotting down reminders and ideas along with a desk pad calendar to keep track of things like doctor appointments and visits from out-of-town relatives. I also find that I’m more productive if I keep a few pretty or inspirational trinkets on my desk, like vintage stamps and business cards from my friends that make me smile every time I look at them.

Productivity and Daily Routines / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Productivity and Daily Routines / Oh So Beautiful Paper

That’s my day! What do you do to stay productive during the day? If you want to give Unroll.Me a try you can sign up right here! I’ve used Unroll.Me to manage over 1200 subscriptions over the years – I’d love to hear how many subscriptions you find!

This post was created in partnership with Unroll.Me. All content and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make Oh So Beautiful Paper possible!

“Dinner With Thieves” Menus and Paper Goods

Well, these are super cool! Shanleigh of August & Osceola created these beautiful paper goods for a mysterious dinner party, including menus, questionnaire cards, and event calling cards. The menus feature gold foil on black paper and were individually hand washed and distressed for an even more mysterious vibe and unique texture!

"Dinner with Thieves" Menus and Paper Goods by August & Osceola / Oh So Beautiful Paper

From Shanleigh: I love when a client has a vision that really challenges me creatively. Jessie (House of James Parker) and Heather (RTTO Events) were looking for custom paper goods to accompany their design of a “Dinner with Thieves.” Picture an evening with an abundance of delectable meat platters and a mysterious vibe. The paper elements had to be the perfect complement: masculine yet intricate; refined yet worn-in. 

"Dinner with Thieves" Menus and Paper Goods by August & Osceola / Oh So Beautiful Paper

I posted a picture on Instagram a while back of my business cards that had taken a trip through the washing machine — a happy accident. We used this as inspiration for a menu design that was heavy on texture and full of character. Each menu was foil stamped in gold and then very carefully washed and distressed by hand. The process left the paper feeling like leather and looking like it had been around for years. In addition to the menu, we designed questionnaire cards for guests to fill out and contact cards that were edge painted in gold. These were a labor of love.

"Dinner with Thieves" Menus and Paper Goods by August & Osceola / Oh So Beautiful Paper

"Dinner with Thieves" Menus and Paper Goods by August & Osceola / Oh So Beautiful Paper

"Dinner with Thieves" Menus and Paper Goods by August & Osceola / Oh So Beautiful Paper

"Dinner with Thieves" Menus and Paper Goods by August & Osceola / Oh So Beautiful Paper

"Dinner with Thieves" Menus and Paper Goods by August & Osceola / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Thanks Shanleigh!

Photo Credits: August & Osceola

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed

The husband and wife team of Bench Pressed are no rookies to the stationery world – even though they launched their business just a couple years ago. Jane and Andy are here to share their creative process, from brainstorming and sketching to hitting the letterpress! I love this story on how they discovered the voice to Bench Pressed â€“ read on about one of their favorite cards and how it shaped the brand. Take it away, guys! –Megan

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Hi there! Welcome to Bench Pressed! We are Jane and Andy Shannon, a husband and wife team, running a letterpress and design company in the Twin Cities and faking it until we make it.

Before we started Bench Pressed, Andy was working as a freelance illustrator and I was a stationery buyer at a small boutique in Minneapolis. After a few years, we decided to take our two passions and merge them. We launched Bench Pressed at the National Stationery Show in 2013, and we’ve been working on it ever since. Both of us still have side-jobs one day a week to help support ourselves and our dogs, but we are now working on creating greeting cards full-time.

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Our shop is located in the old Hamm’s brewery in East St. Paul, Minnesota. This side of the neighborhood is slowly being revitalized after sitting vacant for a long time. Now our neighbors are small start-ups, like a craft brewery, small distillery, chocolatier and an urban hydroponic farm, all drawn to the neighborhood by the historic building and the cheap rent. Also, we are close to the best taco truck in all of the Twin Cities (priorities).

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Bench Pressed is a letterpress shop. We specialize in hand-drawn and hand-printed cards, which means that all of our designs begin with pen on paper. We like to say that our cards are “tongue-in-cheek, with a little sweet.”

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Coming up with card ideas is the best part. Andy keeps multiple Moleskine journals around and is drawing constantly. We both use the Notes app on our phones to write down things that make us laugh, which might end up as a card. Most of the time we’re working on cards we need in advance of a certain season (Valentine’s, Christmas, etc.), but not all of our cards are contrived.

For example, one of our most popular cards was just a random doodle that I found inside of Andy’s sketchbook, a little house with the words “Hope Your Neighbors Aren’t Creepy” (which I’m assuming was inspired by our neighbor who has many, many cats).

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Once an idea and an illustration is made, he redraws the images from his sketchbook with tracing paper. The images are scanned into Photoshop where we add color, resize if needed, and prep all the cards into large files to be sent out to Boxcar Press for our photopolymer plates.

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Our cards are all printed by us in our shop. We have three presses, a small table top press, a Chandler and Price, and our newest member of the family, the Heidelberg. We are using the windmill the most these days, but still use the C&P on some of the cards.

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

A typical day at Bench Pressed means that I’m at the computer answering emails and keeping on track of our orders, both retail and wholesale. Andy is usually working on our ever-growing print-list or on new products.

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

As for a team, right now it’s just the two of us. We plan on eventually adding more people to the mix – more hands for printing, folding, and packing up orders – but for now, it’s just us and the dogs at the shop.

Our struggles right now are getting ahead of our print-list to create more time for new products. I also think that keeping business separate from regular life can be tough, especially when you work with your partner. We have to remind ourselves take the weekend off or to take a step back when we need to.

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

One of our favorite cards is the “Oh Shit” pregnancy test card. It was one of our first designs and it really opened up the door for us to get a little more snarky with our line. At first, we didn’t want to push the envelope too much and didn’t want to upset people, but when we released this card there was such an overwhelming response to it that we were able to keep creating cards that we would want to give. And I guess that’s the exciting thing about making greeting cards for a living; we get to be a (tiny) part of people’s everyday joys.

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

We find inspiration from a lot of places. First of all, the stationery and paper industry is the most supportive industry that I know. We have learned so much from other stationers from printing techniques and troubleshooting to the best places to buy cello sleeves, envelopes, etc. Going to the National Stationery Show is one of our favorite things every year because we get to meet new and see old friends and catch up with them. It could be so easy for us to all see other stationers as competition, especially since we use the same medium, but instead it seems like we all boost each other up. Which is really refreshing and energizing.

Behind the Stationery: Bench Pressed / Oh So Beautiful Paper

In more basic terms of inspiration, we are constantly blown away by other artists and makers on various social media accounts, mostly Instagram. There is so much to see, from furniture makers and jewelers to installation artists, photographers, and chefs – strangers and friends alike – literally hours could vanish and not a damn thing would be done around the shop. Sometimes it is overwhelming, but there is an endless amount of talent out in the world and it’s kind of a paralyzing beauty.

All product photos by Bench Pressed, all other photos by 2nd Truth Photography.

Interested in participating in this column? Reach out to Megan at megan(at) for more details about Behind the Stationery.