Happy Weekend!

I'm heading off a bit early to get a head start on the weekend – I hope you all have wonderful plans, even if it's not a long weekend for you.  I'll be hanging out with my mom, who is up here for the long weekend, and taking advantage of this gorgeous DC weather.  But in the meantime…


 …here are a few things making me happy this week:

  • Invitations screenprinted on handkerchiefs from this wedding on Green Wedding Shoes
  • Trisha and Becka have a new blog – Color Me Inspired
  • Jane found this fun new etsy shop called Hooray with lots of paper goods and office supplies
  • I love this painted ceiling and patterned floor on coco + kelley
  • Absolutely amazing papercuts on Soolip

That's it for me this week – I'll be back here Monday to kick off our week of giveaways and with a ton of fabulous real invitations to share with you!

{image credits: found via we heart it}

Hello, Lovely

Um, these business cards for Goodnickels Photography by Sesame Letterpress might be some of the most beautiful I've ever seen - from the calligraphy to the layout and gorgeous letterpress, I'm completely in love:



Truly gorgeous work. Printed by Sesame Letterpress – but I'm not sure who did the beautiful calligraphy.  If anyone knows the name of the calligrapher, please let me know so I can give proper credit!

UPDATE: Mystery solved!  The logo design is by Ben Hansen and the calligraphy is by Jen Cota, who as it turns out is a photographer with some pretty rad calligraphy skills. Thanks Melanie!

{image credits: Sesame Letterpress}

My First (Blog) Anniversary

So as I mentioned last week, my blog's one year anniversary is coming up next week on September 8.  I thought it might be fun to organize a few giveaways to help celebrate, so I've put together a full week with a bunch of wonderful contributions from a few of my favorite design studios.


So here's the plan: I will be posting at least one giveaway per day – most days two – from the participating designers.  You'll see lots of familiar faces around here, including Two Trick Pony, Night Owl Paper Goods, Hello!Lucky, 9SpotMonk, Laurel Denise, Linda + Harriett, Moontree Letterpress, Sycamore Street Press, and Duet Letterpress (yay!).  There will be something for everyone next week, from wedding invitations to thank you cards to calendars. 

But since there will be a lot going on next week, the timeframe for each giveaway will be pretty short, so you'll want to make sure that you check in every day (even Monday!) to enter.  And since I'm sure a lot of you will be taking off for the long weekend, I wanted to give you plenty of notice to make sure you don't miss out on any of the fun!

I'm so excited to be celebrating my blog anniversary with all of you – its been an amazing first year, and so much of that is because you all choose to stop by here every week.  Thank you all so much for reading, and I hope you all enjoy next week as much as I will!

{image credits: Bird and Banner}