Perfect Day Posters

This “perfect day” poster series from illustrator Marcus Walters is oddly appropriate for the week I’m having:




I also really like these screen prints:





You can check out more work from Marcus Walters here.  He also has a big cartel shop where you can find the screen prints above (and a truly adorable alphabet print}.

{images by Marcus Walters via design crush}

  1. Oh. My. GOSH!
    I had never heard of Marcus Walters before, and your post immediately propelled me to his website, where I have just been gawking and drooling over all of his illustrations and ad campaigns. Thank you SO MUCH for clueing me in!!!!
    I foresee myself posting about him in the very near future – at which point I will certainly pay homage to you as well. 🙂

  2. Oh. My. GOSH!
    I had never heard of Marcus Walters before, and your post immediately propelled me to his website, where I have just been gawking and drooling over all of his illustrations and ad campaigns. Thank you SO MUCH for clueing me in!!!!
    I foresee myself posting about him in the very near future – at which point I will certainly pay homage to you as well. 🙂

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