I’ve been in full-time (all day every day) French language training for the last few weeks and have a progress test tomorrow. I’m starting to stress out a bit, so this print by studio mela is helping to keep me calm. Back to studying!
{found via Decor Amor}
Good luck! You’ll do great!
Bonne Chance on your test! (Fran-glish) I took french way back in High School & College…sometimes I still dream in my bro-ken french! Isn’t it the most beautiful language! So dreamy. Good luck! Au revior mon amie! (I think that said Bye, my friend?!)
i love it! i have this print hanging up next to my computer!
good luck with your test!
Good luck tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll do great!
Bonne chance dans ton étude! J’adore ton blog!
French is a tough, but oh so beautiful language.
Keep up with the good work!