Stationery A-Z: Flamingo Cards

Wait wait wait. How is it possible that I haven’t done a flamingo card round up before?? Let’s remedy this oversight immediately, shall we? Here are nine fantastic flamingo cards – and one art print! – to satisfy all of your flamingo desires!

Flamingo Card Round Up / Oh So Beautiful Paper

1. Hartland Brooklyn

2. Hello!Lucky

3. Alexis Mattox Design

4. Idlewild Co.

5. Rifle Paper Co. art print

6. Lily & Val

7. Gold Teeth Brooklyn

8. Rise & Shine Letterpress

9. Thimblepress

10. Amy Heitman

p.s. You can find even more amazing cards for all occasions over in the Market List!

  1. Love no. 5! I actually purchased no. 1 a few weeks back and sent it to my long-distance bff in Miami and she loved it! Flamingos are *so* in this year 😉


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