Pretty Paper in the Office: Notepads

As a rather obsessive list maker, I always make sure to stock up on notepads and I’m fairly certain I’m not the only one out there!  While looking for notepads for this month’s round up, I thought I would see if there were some alternatives as well.  One can go through a pad of paper pretty quickly at times, which also means a lot of paper.  So in addition to some noteworthy pads, there’s also a great DIY substitute which allows you to use whatever paper you’d like, and a paperless option!  This means you can even make lists of your lists if you wanted to!  – Julie

Pretty Office Stationery: Notepads via Oh So Beautiful Paper

No. 1 Kraft to do list by Sugar Paper; No. 2 Teardrop letterpress scratchpad by Smock; No. 3 Ceramic notepad from notonthehighstreet; No. 4 Gold foil notepads by Branch + Cotton; No. 5 Bright notes notepad by Sugar Paper; No. 6 Flower nail notepad by Alder  & Co. 

{images via their respective sources}

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